Astronomy around the world

This page is a list of websites relating to astronomy around the world.


Amateur Astrophotography eZine

Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers

Bad Astronomy

Carter Observatory – The National Observatory of New Zealand

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT)

Clementine Lunar Image Browser

Degree Confluence Project

Heavens Above

Hubble Heritage Photo Gallery

International Astronomical Union (IAU)

International Darksky Association

International Meteor Organization

International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA)

LiveWatch – Watch live astronomy webcams and resources

Mees Solar Observatory

Mel Bartels BBAstroDesigns Home Page

Mike Boschat’s Astronomy Page – Mike’s page features a comprehensive listing of astronomy & space related links.

Mt Evans Observatory – At an altitude of 4313 metres (14148 feet), this is the highest currently operating observatory in the world! Mt Evans Observatory is operated by Denver University and is located 120km (70mi) west of Denver, Colorado.

Planetary Nebulae Observers’ Home Page


SETI Institute

Sky & Telescope (Sky Online)

Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA)

Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC)

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)


The Amateur Sky Survey (TASS)

The Astronomy White Pages – Listing Astronomy Clubs on the Internet.

The ATM Page

Todd Gross Weatherman

Universe Today

US Naval Observatory

Visual Satellite Observers’ Home Page

VSNET – Variable Stars, Novae, and Supernovae