The Astronomical Society of Western Australia (Inc.)
ASWA is the premier Astronomical society in the state of Western Australia. We are located in Perth, the world’s most isolated capital city (at roughly 32ºS 116ºE), but are open to Membership from all over the state, the country, the world, or even the Universe. If you check a satellite snap of the Earth at night, you’ll see us as that lonely dot on the west coast of the vast, dark expanse that is Australia.
About ASWA
- The stimulation of a popular interest in Astronomy.
- The association of observers, especially the possessors of small telescopes, for mutual help and their organization in the work of Astronomical observation.
- To promote Astronomical research by amateurs.
Do you want to know more about ASWA? Please browse through our website or simply send us a message with your inquiry.
Members’ Activities and Services
Astronomy Classes
Held immediately prior to most Ordinary Meetings. These provide beginners with an introduction to the major areas of astronomy and are also useful to existing members who are seeking to expand their knowledge into new areas. Visitors interested in joining ASWA are welcome.
Public Astronomy
ASWA holds Viewing Nights for the public at various venues around the metropolitan area, and at schools, clubs, scouts/guides, etc for evenings learning about the night sky and viewing through telescopes. Presentations and talks are also available.
Ordinary Meetings
Held on the second Monday of each month at South Perth Bridge Club, these are ASWA’s major indoor activity and typically features a talk or some other presentation (usually by a guest speaker) on an astronomical subject, hints and tips by members, Society reports and general socializing.
Instrument Loans
ASWA maintains a variety of astronomical equipment (including 4-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch, 16-inch, and 17.5-inch telescopes), and makes some of these items available for loan. Members must have been with the Society for at least six months in order to take advantage of the loan programme (twelve months for the more complicated instruments). Email our Instrument Curator for details.
The Sidereal Times
Published bi-monthly, it contains a range of informative articles (mostly written by members), sky highlights for the coming months, Council and Section reports, classified advertisements, notice of upcoming Society events and details of past activities within the Society.
ASWA recognizes that many astronomical publications may be beyond the budget of the amateur, so our Library contains a wealth of astronomical material – including books, star-maps, catalogues, videos, DVDs, CDs and publications of astronomical organizations worldwide.